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Get Involved

The donations of your time and money allow the PTSO to fund activities that keep our students, our teachers, our staff, and our families engaged.

Volunteer Your
Time & Talents

Volunteer Opportunities


  • Join us for a meeting! The PTSO meets the second Tuesday of each month during the school year. Be on the lookout for details about location or a Zoom link in Parent Square. The Friday Finale has PTSO info each week so be sure to read those to the end!

  • Volunteer on the PTSO Board:

    • current needs 

      • Communications (Raptor Report, event sign-ups, Facebook/Twitter, PTSO website)

      • Fundraising 

      • Teacher/Staff Appreciation volunteers (teacher workday lunches; staff birthdays, staff wish lists, teacher/staff appreciation week, and more)

      • ​Special Events (dances, food truck rodeos, graduation/senior activities, prom committee, principal’s coffees, etc.)

  • There are also opportunities to donate food and supplies to support various initiatives throughout the year.



Help Stock the Teacher/Staff Lounge!

It's our tradition to support RTHS teachers and staff by providing snacks and drinks for the Teachers' Lounge. We hope you can find a way to contribute to this important and very appreciated way we support our school.  

****Please NO NUT products****Sign up here.  



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